What the Flicka

by guestinyourheart

Memoir writing is what I love to read and write. Words have power. I enjoy journalism and social psychology and reading about people but nothing is as interesting to me as first-person accounts. I want to know facts and to learn from studies but I most appreciate a piece of writing which takes me beneath the surface of facts under the skin and inside an experience.

Last month, I was checking out the Forbes top 100 websites for women http://www.forbes.com/sites/meghancasserly/2013/08/20/the-100-best-websites-for-women-2013/ and Time’s  Top 50 websites Time’s http://techland.time.com/2013/05/06/50-best-websites-2013/  learning what new sites might be worth exploring. I saw one on both that I had never heard of called What the Flicka.

It’s a site with funny and light TV mom moments, simple and practical advice as well as good memoir writing. I’m guest blogging there now and one of my pieces is on their home page today. Here’s the link http://whattheflicka.com/cat-puke-crisis-and-honesty/

I picture myself as this middle-aged mom going for my next job interview and being asked about, “What the Flicka” (WTF) on my list of publications during an interview.

Anyhow, if you have a need to write and want some credentials and bylines there are so many fabulous places to pitch your work. While many sites don’t pay with much or any cash, and some only with beauty product samples or bylines, writing to deadline, building your own blog platform and communing with others and expanding your own personal and creative community makes it worthwhile.